Ray's Satellite and Aerial Services - Over 25 years experience

ErrorThis message could not be sent."); echo("

© Ray's Satellite and Aerial Services, 2008-2019
Website design by Andrew C. Poole
"); die(); } // Check they got the captcha right... if(!PhpCaptcha::Validate($_POST['captcha'])){ $errors="true"; $captchaerror="true"; } // Find out if there were any errors... if($errors=="false") { // If no errors... // Hide the form, since we don't need it now... $hideform="true"; // Set up some email headers for the from address... $headers = "From: raysaerials@andrewpoole.org.uk\r\n"; // Find out if they're behind a proxy server or not... if($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']!=""){ $forwardedfor="\nWhich could be a proxy server for: ".$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; }else{ $forwardedfor=" "; } // Create a message body containing all the info we need... $fullmessage="Hello, this message has just been sent using the Contact page on the website.\n\nTheir name: ".stripslashes($_POST['name'])."\nTheir email address: ".stripslashes($_POST["email"])."\nTheir phone number:".stripslashes($_POST["phone"])."\nSubject: ".stripslashes($_POST['subject'])."\nTheir IP address: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']." (".gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).")".$forwardedfor."\n\n-------------Begin message-------------\n\n".stripslashes($_POST['message']); // And send it to wherever we're supposed to be sending it to... mail($toaddr, "[Website form]: ".stripslashes($_POST['subject']), $fullmessage, $headers); // finally, thank them for contacting us... ?> Thankyou for your message, it has been forwarded and will be read soon. Below is a copy of what you just sent:
Your name:
Email address:
Phone number:
Please click here to go back to the home page. Please use the form below to contact Ray's Satellite and Aerial Services. Your message will be forwarded to us, and we aim reply as soon as possible.  
Please correct the following errors before continuing:"); } ?>
Your name:");}else{echo("Your name:");}?>
Email address:");}else{echo("Email address:");}?>
Phone number:");}else{echo("Phone number:");}?>
Enter these characters below Note: If you can't see all FIVE letters, click "New verification image".
Please ensure you have entered the five letters into the box above before clicking "Send".

Click here to go back to the home page.

© Ray's Satellite and Aerial Services, 2008-2024
Website design by Andrew C. Poole